A wonderful line he says is: ‘normal is the harshest insult of all.’ A wonderful mentality to have.”
Also with the idea that he’s completely well-adjusted, very happy, and has a real lust for life. “If I had a character growing up like that to watch on the screen I would’ve fallen in love.
Later in the interview, McCrea says this: But his lifestyle is fabulous, he loves his life and it was so fun to play him.” Asked if the character was written as queer, John replied: “In one of the original scripts he was a drag queen, so I think he was always intended to be queer-representing I suppose, or somehow a member of the LGBTQ community. It’s not beating you on the head with a stick. But we don’t see him falling in love there’s no social aspect to the character. “It depends on who you’re asking I suppose – but for me, yes, it’s official: he’s queer. McCrea had this to say about the character in an interview with Attitude: Openly gay actor John McCrea plays the character, Artie, the fashion-obsessed friend of Cruella.